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The Vaccination Decision

by L. Mac

Image: Sarah does not want to be vaccinated, by Andreas Bachmair (Author), Helen Kimbell Brooke (Editor), Alena Ryazanova (Illustrator), Madlen Maker (Contributor). Publisher: Andreas Bachmair (December 17, 2015)

Sarah does not want to be vaccinated
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The first question any thinking person should ask themselves is, Why, if vaccinations are safe and for the good of all, should I have to sign a disclaimer? Good question. Even if the answer is that vaccinations are fairly safe, and that it makes sense to sacrifice the few to save the many, we're still left to wonder if one of the chosen few will be our precious son or daughter. Again, even if we can feel okay about sacrificing one of our own to save the many down the block, we should press on and ask, What am I so stoically saving them from? Better question.

Go to your public library, or better yet, a medical library, and look up each and every childhood disease that we routinely vaccinate our children against and get the facts.
How scary are these diseases?
What percentage of children die or suffer permanent physical/psychological damage as a result of contracting the disease?
How effective are the vaccinations in preventing the disease they are designed for?
What are the health risks from the vaccinations themselves?

The answers to these questions are not some deep, dark secret. They are there for anyone to read and understand.

I will address a few of them here to entice the reader to research further on their own. No information as important and revealing as this should be taken and acted upon from only one source.

Let's start with measles. What are measles? Measles are a disease caused by a virus (so it's contagious) that affects the respiratory system, eyes and skin. Symptoms may include: high fever; cough; sore, red eyes; and runny nose. Itchy pink spots may break-out on the face and body as well as small pink spots with grey-white centres inside the mouth. Most cases of measles are not serious and symptoms disappear in a couple of weeks. Approximately .03 in 100,000 cases can lead to sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) which causes hardening of the brain and death.
Okay, how was that Not too bad?. It becomes even less frightening when we dig a little further into medical statistics surrounding this disease and find out that as of 1984, 58% of measles contracted in the U.S. were by individuals already vaccinated for the disease. So much for guaranteed effectiveness; even if one takes the chance and vaccinates their child against measles, that child will still have a chance of contracting the disease.

Image: Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective, by Neil Z. Miller (Author). Publisher: New Atlantean Press; 1 edition (September 15, 2015)

Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective
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The measles vaccine is not given to children under the age of 15 months, and yet it is precisely the younger infants who are most at risk for serious complications from the disease. In 1900, 13.3 measles death per 100,000 were reported. By 1955 (8 years before the vaccine was introduced), the death rate had declined 97.7% to .03 deaths per 100,000. Before the vaccine was introduced in 1963, more than 25% of all measles cases were occurring in babies under one year. This increase is likely due to the mothers vaccinated in the 60's, 70's and 80's - denying them the safeguard of natural immunity and making it impossible to pass on an immunity through their breast-milk. Adverse reactions from the vaccine can include: severe neurological damage; seizures; dangerously high fever; kidney failure; encephalitis; and death.

Rubella. You know, the life-threatening disease you've heard about so many children dying from? Hardly. Rubella is a contagious disease which, in most cases, is so mild the person afflicted is never diagnosed. Symptoms may include: sore throat; low-grade fever; runny nose; slightly raised pink spots on face and body; and swollen lymph nodes. It is a non-threatening disease when contracted by children - and if let alone, children would be more likely to contract rubella before they enter adulthood. This is favourable because pregnant women that have developed rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy, can deliver a child with impaired vision, limb defects, and mental retardation. Not a pretty picture.

However, if immunity from the vaccine wears off (as most are expected to do, unlike natural immunities), the threat of a woman contracting Rubella during childbearing years actually increases. Before Rubella vaccinations, 85% of the population was naturally immune to the disease. Given to children, the Rubella vaccine can linger in their bodies for years and can be passed to adults through casual contact. Great. (FYI: In one study from the Journal of the American Medical Association, 90% of obstetricians and more than two-thirds of pediatricians working in hospitals refuse to take the Rubella vaccine.) Wonder why? Some adverse reactions to the vaccine may include: pain, numbness, or paralysis to the peripheral nerves, painful joints, and arthritis.

(Author's Note: I liken the Rubella vaccine with the new chicken pox vaccine. A relatively harmless, yet inconvenient disease that does not cause long-term suffering or death. And yet, mass quantities of the vaccine are manufactured, sold, and distributed to the general public. We are injecting our children's bodies with a live virus - and for what purpose? To save them from what? The only thing I can see that it saves them from is the chance for a healthy, normal, functional immune system. Still, even with this rationale, people do it every day just because they're told to.)

Image: A Shot in the Dark, by H. Coulter (Author). Publisher: Avery Trade; 1 edition (May 1, 1991)

Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective
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Pertussis. The P in DPT. Pertussis (Whooping Cough) is caused by bacteria that attacks the respiratory system causing the cells in the throat or trachea to slough off. Symptoms progress through three stages. First stage: may last one to two weeks; cough and/or fever along with cold-like symptoms. Second-stage: usually lasts two to three weeks; severe coughing attacks occur usually during the night and later during the day and night; coughing attacks can lead to inadequate oxygen circulation. Third and final stage: coughing lessens and recovery begins. Full recovery may take two to three months. This disease, though intense and lengthy, is rarely fatal unless contracted by infants under six months of age. A child is not considered fully vaccinated against this disease until the age of 18 months. The occurrence and severity of Pertussis had begun to decline long before the vaccine was introduced. From 1900 to 1935, before the vaccine was put into general use during the 1940's, the disease had declined by 79%. In the United States in 1984, 46% of all Pertussis cases were contracted by individuals already vaccinated against the disease.

The adverse effects of the Pertussis vaccine can include: fever as high as 106 degrees; diarrhea; projectile vomiting; excessive sleepiness; high-pitched screaming; seizures, convulsions; breathing problems; brain damage; and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A study involving 15,752 shots administered to children, approximately one in every 200 children who received the full DPT series suffered severe reactions. Studies have also shown that children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within three days after receiving a DPT shot.

Three primary doses of DPT are given to infants between 2 and 6 months of age. Approximately 85% of SIDS cases occur within that period, with peak incidence at 2 and 4 months. Dr. William Torch (University of Nevada School of Medicine) found that two-thirds of the 103 children who died of SIDS in his study had been vaccinated with DPT prior to death. 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination; 13% within 24 hours; 26% within three days; and up to 70% within 3 weeks.

Mumps. Mumps is a contagious disease that attacks the salivary glands. Symptoms may include: swelling beneath ears and jaw line; fever; muscle aches and headache; and vomiting. Mumps is rarely serious. Mumps is usually harmless in childhood and almost always gives lifelong immunity. Immunity given through vaccination does not last. If immunity (from vaccination) wears off during adolescence, complications from mumps are more likely. The adverse reactions from the mumps vaccine far and away exceed possible reactions from the natural source (rashes, itching bruises, febrile seizures, unilateral nerve deafness, and in some cases, encephalitis). Let's all run out and get our mumps vaccine today!!

Okay, I'll give you the biggy and you'll have to research the rest on your own. (if anyone has to look up chicken pox we're all in trouble).
Polio. The one our grandparents talk about. Polio is caused by an intestinal virus that can attack nerve cells of the spinal cord and brain. Symptoms can include: vomiting; sore throat; headache and fever; stiffness of the neck and back, pain in joints and paralysis of one or more limbs. In severe cases it is fatal due to respiratory paralysis. Yikes!

Image: ow to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor: One of America's Leading Pediatricians Puts Parents Back in Control of Their Children's Health, by Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D. (Author). Publisher: Ballantine Books (May 12, 1987)

How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor
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But, listen to this: 90% of the people who are exposed to the natural polio virus produce no symptoms at all, even under epidemic conditions. Polio is virtually nonexistent in the U.S. today. From 1923 to 1953, BEFORE the vaccine was introduced, the polio death rate had declined by 47%. The number of cases reported after the mass inoculations was doubled in the U.S. That's reassuring. From 1980-1989 EVERY CASE OF POLIO IN THE U.S. WAS CAUSED BY THE VACCINE. What's more, 3 out of 5 people who caught polio during foreign travel were previously vaccinated against it. There is an absolute wealth of information on this disease both before and after the vaccine was introduced. Any reader would be amazed at the statistics.

There are many documented, confirmed adverse effects caused by childhood vaccinations, but what about the silent, hidden, on-going effects that take years to manifest themselves inside the human body? What happens to a child's natural immune system when assaulted with a myriad of different foreign bodies? Where do these vaccinations (viruses) live once inside the body? What can account for the high rate of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and many of the escalating instances of childhood auto-immune disease including asthma? What does it mean to the integrity of a young, healthy body to be denied the strength and endurance that natural immunities provide? How does modern sanitation and advanced medical technology affect (in a positive way) the severity and proportion of any epidemic?

Even though I have attempted to use a small amount of humour while writing this article, I in no way feel that childhood diseases or the consequences of vaccines are funny. What I do find a tad bit comical is the way in which the health care professionals along with the almighty pharmaceutical companies in this country have been allowed to continue frantically (and often-times successfully) to bully the general public into vaccinating their children without giving us all of the information up-front. What's the deal? Is it unreasonable to expect to receive the whole picture before submitting our children to a shot in the dark?

There is a lot going on behind the scenes of this issue that would surprise and disgust more than a few of us. Does anyone have time to investigate the major pharmaceutical companies? You know, check and see how many dollars are given by them to local hospitals, neighbourhood clinics, and even schools of western medicine to insure their lifelong loyalty to the cause? Mass, mandatory vaccinations mean big bucks to quite a few large and very influential corporations. Food for thought.

P.S. Children, like any form of life, do not come complete with a manufacturer's guarantee for long life and excellent performance. Whether we choose to vaccinate or not, good health and longevity are by no means a given. Kids get sick. Sometimes, they die. The public, as a whole, needs to recognize the fragility of life as well as it's tenacity. Only then will we be able to make informed, sensible choices; rather than ones made out of fear and manipulation.


The Natural History of Infectious Disease (Cambridge University Press)
Epidemiology of Poliomeyelitis (Clinical Infection Diseases; CDC, Feb. 1992)
Hospital Practice (The New Epidemiology of Measles and Rubella)
How to Raise a Healthy Child... In Spite of Your Doctor (Contemporary Books, 1984, Robert Mendelsohn MD.)
International Mortality Statistics (Washington, DC; Facts on File, 1981)
FDA Workshop to Review Warnings, Use Instructions and Precautionary Info. on Vaccines (Rockland, Maryland, Sept. 18, 1992; p.27)
Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective (New Atlantean Press; Neil Z. Miller)


This article first appeared in The Compleat Mother magazine, reprinted with permission.

This article compliments of Born to Love.


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• The Vaccination Decision - Important and revealing information


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